Barrel Pick Competition
Every whiskey club or liquor store thinks they have the best barrel picks. They’re proud of the special barrel that only they were able to identify and make available to their members or customers. I’m fortunate to get to sample a lot of these gems. And, I’ve got to say, barrel picks make for some of the best juice out there.
But who has the best? Finally, we have a way to find out. It’s time to put your spirit where your mouth is (well, obviously you are already doing that). We are including a special Barrel Pick Competition as part of the 2025 ASCOT Awards. Our Council of Tasters will conduct a blind judging and grade each spirit. The highest scoring picks advance to a taste-off on my YouTube channel this spring. Since barrel picks are in such limited supply, we will reduce the number of judges and only require one 750 ml bottle. Each $250 entry fee will be donated to charity.
May the best pick win.

Club of the Year Recognition
Every club that enters a barrel pick is eligible for Club of the Year recognition. Please submit a brief written summary of your club or organization including membership numbers, barrel picks, and any activities such as social functions and charity involvement. If your club has a website, social media, bottle stickers or other materials, we want to know about it.
Barrel Pick Competition Entry Information
$250/entry | Nomination Deadline: February 13
Barrel Pick Categories
*Judges will be given ABV range.
1. Straight Bourbon
2. High Proof Straight Bourbon
3. High Proof Bourbon Barrel Finish
4. Craft Bourbon (not sourced)
5. Rye
6. High Proof Rye
7. High Proof Rye Barrel Finish
8. Craft Rye
9. Malt
10. Craft Malt
11. Other (Create a Category)
20. Silver/Gold (Unaged) Tequila
21. Reposado Tequila
22. Añejo Tequila
23. Extra-Aged Añejo
24. Barrel-Aged Tequila
30. Mezcal
31. Sotol, Bacanora, Comiteca
32. Agave Spirits Other____
33. White Spirits Other____
Spirits Club Marketing Categories
100. Facebook
101. Instagram Site
102. Website
103. Barrel Pick Special Sticker
104. Charity Fund Raiser (How much was raised from the pick and where did the money go?)
105. Other (Create a Category)